Saturday, March 14, 2009

After Last Night's Show

I decided to take my "doctored" summary of the Stewart v. Cramer bloodbath and turn it into a video commentary. This was the result.

The Game (Commentary) from Toomb Paine on Vimeo.

I've replaced the YouTube version here with a more updated vimeo version, containing substantial if possibly subtle-to-some changes. Since I can update my vimeo channel's videos this seemed like the best choice here, so that updates can reflect any feedback that might cause me to revise this piece.

I feel like I'm looking for a dialogue that may never happen, given the preoccupations and sheer velocity of life in 2009. This also has me thinking about the UBIK project that I've been mulling over, mostly quietly, ever since discussions at Velvet Fridays led to some conversations about filmmaking based on Phillip K. Dick novels and stories. It has to do with conformity, in art as well as life, and how (don't hold me to this) UBIK in particular seems to be, at least in part, about the absurdities of conformist behavior -- all the while that its visual sensibility (as I imagine it) would seem to be about aesthetic chaos and disorder.

I posted this to Daily Kos and my Facebook account... It might as well be here too.

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