Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This is a test, a really stupid test

All of me that I'm ready to share. Okay, maybe not all. But all my Yooby Yoobness. Okay, maybe not all. How about the most recent 49 public videos I've uploaded to this channel?

This might be a better example, from a channel with very few videos:

This one doubles for the moment as a demo of database latency (see video below). I just deleted one of the videos from the channel in the second viewer, but for at least awhile this player (the one directly above this paragraph) is likely to show 5 rather than 4 videos.

As an added bonus, here's more than you ever wanted to know about database latency, or at least YouTube's take on it from almost a year ago:

Don't bother with the jump.

I told you not to bother. But I'm embedding something here anyway, just to assure myself that it will embed.

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